
Principal Investigator


Yoram Alhassid

Frederick Phineas Rose Professor of Physics

Postdoctoral Associate

D allas DeMartini

Current Graduate Students

Shasta Ramachandran
Cade Rodgers

Recent Postdocs

Alexis Mercenne (now at LSU)
Wouter Ryssens (now at ULB, Belgium)
Mika Mustonen
Christopher Gilbreth (Now at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle) 
Abhishek Mukherjee (Now at ECT*, Italy)  Abhishek Mukherjee
Cem Özen (Now at LANL)  Cem Özen
Stefan Rotter (Now at the Vienna University of Technology)  Stefan Rotter
Hakan Tureci (Now at Princeton University)  Hakan Tureci
Rayner Rodriguez-Guzman (Now at Rice University)  Rayner Rodriguez-Guzman

Recent Graduate Students

Scott Jensen (now at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Paul Fanto (Fellow, DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship)
Sohan Vartak (now at Amsterdam University)
Marco Bonett-Matiz (Now a Helmsley Postdoctoral Scholar, Yale Center for Teaching and Learning)
Konstantin Nesterov (Now at the University of Wisconsin)
Christopher Gilbreth (Now at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle
Sebastian Schmidt (Now at ETH Zurich) Sebastian Schmidt